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PNW Forecast Tools

Links to external weather & ocean condition websites.

Marine Point Forecasts are a forecast for a specific point. The "point" is a single small rectangle which represents the resolution of the computer forecast models which is typically 2.5 by 2.5 kilometers

Current PNW coast bar conditions. Reports are typically updated every 3 hours by the local USCG station, or as conditions change.

Oregon Coast Sea Surface Temps (SST) and Phytoplankton Pigment Chlorophyll (CHLA) charts that every tuna fisherman should study.

Tide tables for Oregon Coast use for planning bar crossings, and fishing times.

Forecast for Coastal Waters from Cape Shoalwater Washington to Florence Oregon and westward 60 NM

Great tool for near shore swell, surf, and wind forecasts.

PWC bar crossing

Enter in the Longitude and Latitude of your start and ending locations to get a distance between the two points.

Smart phone app for wind forecasts.  

Website and App for ocean swell, wind, and tide.

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